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Story Makers in Oxford - The Story of Peniciillin

For the past few weeks we've been studying story tellers from Oxford. We've enjoyed the adventures of Reepicheep, Bilbo and Ratty and...

Holywell Music Room - Peer Gynt

CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were inspired by many old Norse myths. Today we are looking at a Norwegian folk tale which describes Peer Gynt...

Making the invisible visible

In Chapter 9 and 10 of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Lucy come across some strange characters who can't be seen. They want her to help...

Zooming off to the Kilns

If you explored places in Oxford where CS Lewis walked on Wednesday, you probably didn't make it up to his actual home in Headington. The...

There be dragons

In our readings from the Dawn Treader today, Eustace is turned into a dragon. In Science today, we're learning more about some real...

Walking in the footsteps of CS Lewis

In the next few days we are looking forward to going on a virtual tour of CS Lewis' old home, the Kilns. But there are many places to...

Holywell Music Room - The Planets

Today in the Holywell Music Room we will be looking at one of Britain's most famous compositions, Gustav Holst's 'Planets Suite'. Holst...

Staring into the ocean

At the beginning of the Dawn Treader, Lucy and Edmund are looking at a picture of a boat on the sea. As they look harder, they begin to...

Walking with Oxford Authors

Wednesday is our day for a walk and today we're on the trail of Oxford authors. Depending on where you live, you can choose the one which...

Holywell Music Room - Music from the New World

On Friday, Years 2 to 4 explored the New World in our Story of the World History course. Today we are going to the New World with Antonin...

Chess with Reepicheep

Tuesday is chess day at Emmanuel and in assembly this morning we heard about how Reepicheep the mouse would play chess, if it was in real...

Artist's Studio - Two Colour Tonal Pictures

Today in our artist's studio we'll be drawing a two colour tonal picture. Here's what the end product will look like: You will need: An...

Dabbling with Ducks

Today as we start our topic of 'Oxford Story Tellers', Year 1 to 4 are enjoying the Wind in the Willows. Ratty writes a poem about his...

Readings with Reepicheep

Today we start a new topic looking at 'Story Tellers from Oxford'. In our morning assemblies we are looking at my favourite character...

We built this city with...

As we come to the end of our topic on 'Oxford's Stories', I spoke this morning about the foundations of a city which endures. You can...

Spring Green

Spring is my favourite season in England because of the life that bursts out before our eyes. When we were considering leaving South...

Walking the streets of Oxford

Depending on where you live, you could visit a number of spaces in Oxford this afternoon. You could go on the Jericho Jaunt I outlined in...

Artist's Studio - Tonal Impression

Would you like to turn your nature photos into a tonal picture? Here we have a step by step guide to transforming your favourite photo...

Artist's Studio - Oxford Architecture

It's great to have Mrs Bell with us virtually to teach us how to turn our pictures of streets and buildings into pictures drawn by hand....

Holywell Music Room - Fingal's Cave

Do you remember the story of the Giant's Causeway and Finn McCool? Did you know that there is an island in Scotland with basalt columns...

Blog: Blog2
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