Today in our artist's studio we'll be drawing a two colour tonal picture. Here's what the end product will look like:

You will need:
An A4 black and white print out of your photo
A piece of A4 paper and a Black Biro or pen.
2 Coloured crayons : one a light shade, one mid shade
Step 1: Choose a photo that has lots of light and shade

Step 2: Print it out in black and white. Take some time looking at it deciding where the darkest shades are and where the lightest shades are.

Step 3: Choose 2 crayons making sure one is darker than the other

Step 4: Have your blank piece of paper and pen ready. Tape the photo to the window and tape the blank piece over it.

Step 5: Trace the image using the pen. You can be as detailed as you would like. It can be effective to only draw a little.

Step 6: With your dark crayon, colour in the dark shades. Look for large shapes as well as lines.

Step 7: Look to see where the lightest shade is. Do not colour those areas but leave them white. With your other crayon fill in the mid tones.

Take a look and see your finished picture. You may like to make your dark shade darker to create greater contrast. You could also try another one using felt tip pens.