Oxford, What's Your Story?
Discover what's really inside the city we've been placed in
This website has been designed for families learning together at home in Spring 2020. It's been made by Emmanuel Christian School to support our families and others as they help their children explore the city in which they are placed.
In a season of greater stillness, we can explore the world beneath our feet in detail and enjoy the myriad of stories which can be found here.
Oxford is a city of many layers, with rich heritage and fascinating stories. This website is designed to help families to see the city in a fresh light and consider what it might mean to be a creator and contributor in the city in which you are placed.

What's our story?
'Oxford, what's your story?' was designed by staff at Emmanuel Christian School, Littlemore. Our mission is to be a Christian school for Oxford, promoting life and learning to the full. Our yearly curriculum is designed to develop curiosity, reflection and creativity, helping each child to discover and grow in the unique gifts they are given as they explore the world around them with wonder.
Our summer term curriculum follows the theme, 'Creators and Contributors' and this year we 'just happened' to choose the theme of Oxford, exploring the stories which shaped it, the stories which have come out of it, and the stories which are being made within it.
We also 'just happened' to be inspired by the story of 'Mr Rogers' Neighbourhood' where he encouraged us in a world where so much is virtual to consider what 'bringing courage to those whose lives move near our own' might look like. We hope this website brings courage to families as they support and educate their children through this season.